Written by Arata Nagayama

“Is this a punishment for wishing to disappear?”

Synopsis Our protagonist is a young girl who learned at an early age howpainful it can be to become the center of attention for undesiredreasons and now lives her days wishing to be like a ghost.On her way home from school on a rainy day, she ends up ina chase that leads her to the dreaded Death God’s Mansion,a place where school rumors say ghosts haunt.It was on the stairs to the entrance that she would suffer anaccident: she would slip and fall backwards.In the darkness of impending death, footsteps mingled withthe rain in the background. Then, the one who appeared was notan ambassador of death, but a deity who introduced himself asthe God of Matchmaking.Taking pity on the situation of the girl, now turned into ahalf-spirit, he explains to her that she would only be able toreclaim her body if she remembers her identity, but he offersa condition as well: he will help her if she can take care of hiswork binding the fate of certain people. The deadline is onehundred days; after that, the existence of a half-spirit willvanish.The only clue the god leaves behind is that she should look fora flower petals mark…Get ready for a story with an unexpected ending.
Synopsis Our protagonist is a young girl wholearned at an early age how painful itcan be to become the center of attentionfor undesired reasons and now lives herdays wishing to be like a ghost.On her way home from school on a rainyday, she ends up in a chase that leads herto the dreaded Death God’s Mansion, aplace where school rumors say ghostshaunt.It was on the stairs to the entrance thatshe would suffer an accident: she wouldslip and fall backwards.In the darkness of impending death,footsteps mingled with the rain in thebackground. Then, the one who appearedwas not an ambassador of death, but adeity who introduced himself as theGod of Matchmaking.Taking pity on the situation of the girl,now turned into a half-spirit, he explainsto her that she would only be able toreclaim her body if she remembers heridentity, but he offers a condition as well:he will help her if she can take care of hiswork binding the fate of certain people.The deadline is one hundred days; afterthat, the existence of a half-spirit willvanish.The only clue the god leaves behind isthat she should look for a flower petalsmark…

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© Arata Nagayama 2018
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